Well, three neighbors have been to visit and socialize and adore and do reiki on Gemma. She laid eyes on her new harness, picked it up and tried to carry it into her cave.
She has two toys of her very own, bought by neighbors, as well as bringing her a new pad for her blanket bed. A friend of someone's has paid for her visit to the vet , and a neighbor is bringing her, so I can rest.
Best of all? She followed some cooked chicken ( from neighbors) outside, her new beautiful harness and leash on, with Shiva, and sat, smelling the air.
Maybe enough days have passed here that she gets she will be treated lovingly , and that being freezing cold and lost is a thing of the past. She closed her eyes to the warm sun on her sweet small plumping up face, ate juicy grass, and we puttered about the yard.
I think healing from very difficult things involves reclaiming - Gemma reclaiming the yard, the delicious fresh air, the breeze through her fur, and a sense of safety- of deserving to be loved, protected, and happy.
Now she happily steals from Dante. A toy of his. A tofu container he was crushing and chasing. And he lets her. If she growls at him to back off , or leave the living room for a bit, I help him do so.
How amazing to watch someone reclaim their right to all these things.
Of course, Dante just wants one thing- to hang out with a dog who is not 17!
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