I decided to bring Shiva Louisa to our great holistic vet yesterday, to have her check out the accelerated breathing that had abated, and then returned.
The vet was so thoughtful,understanding my concern to have adequate pain relief, cover the bases, and yet take into account the cost to the body of any med. She gave me a gaba-based nerve pain med, and a diuretic for lung congestion/stagnation.
Got home,and gave Louisa the pain med. She was OUT. Breathing labored. Stumbling and dizzy hours later when it was time to go out.
Not any less licking of wrist (pain). I was an unhappy camper.
So I woke myself up and took common sense in hand.
I applied Gwen's Magic Oil to her spine and her lungs to soften the lymph and allow things to move, to soothe pain and stagnation.
Applied Dr.Christopher's Ear and Nerve tincture to her disc areas and her wrists.
Did acupressure down down her spine, did lymphatic work on her, and then lung work.
Gave her a kid's chinese medicine herbal for opening the breath and lungs.
A pulmonary supplement, and my anti-inflammatory formula, as well as a C3 (Cardiac Reactive Protein Inhibitor formula- tumeric based) formula and bentonite clay to support the liver from the med and possible constipation, and her constitutional formula.
Extra Bacterial-Support powder for subclinical lung infection, Oil of Oregano and Garlic caps for microbial infections.
Then she settled, breathed well all night, and is ok this morning.
It's interesting as an herbalist, healer, health educator and creator of formulas, that SO much is possible, in terms of preventing, slowing, and reversing so many conditions.
It simply takes lots of lots of time and focus and energy and ...money.
Now, for the vitamin C and Maitake tincture I made last fall, from the Maitake my Oak grows each year, and cooked, to see if I can shrink the tumor impinging her esophagus and trachea,
which the vet agreed was happening.
In the meantime, for her, it's just another beautiful early morning,
with us all jostled about by that enormous loving irritating pup.
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