In addition to Eric's happy chickens and their expensive eggs, sold up the road, it's all about the garden, slipping on flip flops come morning, stepping our through the sopping wet morning dew, avoiding voracious mosquitoes, slapping arms and neck and legs, bending down and picking Rosemary and fragrant Basil and Oregano, pulling up an Onion from the rich dark soil, plucking a few tomatoes from the tall wild plants, selecting aromatic Parsley from the long tall row, a Pepper or two, and in we go, to chop and saute, as the aroma of fresh fresh comes floating about the house, and he notices, comes meandering down, kissing me, and we both make our way to the small kitchen table, as the mist outside swirls down the conservation field, and the Shepherd settles happily upon our feet.

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