all stand there, caught by the sudden view of the light, the colors, or all the
changing, happening so rapidly, in front of our eyes. As we walk down the
street, leave the car, step outside to pick something from the garden for
dinner, or glance outside at some point in our day. There is a moment, we
learn, where everything is muted, and then there is this elevation of all
things, this small opening of time, where it all does something, I'm not sure
what. Because the cosmos, as far as we can discern, has no agenda. Life and
light and planets and colors and atmosphere simply....are. And yet, with all
that simply being, comes these times, when we, or other species, witness some
moment in time, and we all stop for a bit, letting it sink far into ourselves,
and then it passes, and of course, always, we are left changed.

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