I was thinking today about how we have this
tendency to create these delineated set ups. Right? If things are really hard,
I will need to -________ and then I will feel better. We create so many
fantastical ideas like this. Stories. That we tell ourselves. things we will do
that will make things feel a little bit better. Only, ultimately, they never
ever do. Just a quick hip check to the mind, so that we get to pretend for a
little bit that something helpful is happening. A food, a drink, a substance,
an activity. That's mostly the gist of it, those categories.
That behaviors can be addictions , dissociating us from an awareness of how we are feeling.
Stories that we tell ourselves. Pretend tiny tales that we try to sell ourselves, that if we just do this, or that, we will soon feel better.
That behaviors can be addictions , dissociating us from an awareness of how we are feeling.
Stories that we tell ourselves. Pretend tiny tales that we try to sell ourselves, that if we just do this, or that, we will soon feel better.

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