seems important to remind ourselves how we are neurologically wired , and
developmentally , for what.
We evolve at a pace far slower than that of excited and profit generating objects. Functions.
We will change, but biologically this takes eons, and as of yet , we are wired for a time hundreds upon hundreds of years ago, when we spent our time looking near and then far all day with our eyes ( unless we made lace, etc.).
We experienced a broad range of movements each day,as opposed to predominantly a few repetitious ones .
There is the telling tale of the Petrified Forest I once visited years ago . From a time when the earth created trees , but had yet to develop dynamics that would break down dead trees into humus.
So they would fall , become filled with minerals , and stay looking as they were , while preserved.
It takes much time for us to evolve and adapt biologically to changing circumstance and environment . We evolve at a pace far slower than that of excited and profit generating objects. Functions.
We will change, but biologically this takes eons, and as of yet , we are wired for a time hundreds upon hundreds of years ago, when we spent our time looking near and then far all day with our eyes ( unless we made lace, etc.).
We experienced a broad range of movements each day,as opposed to predominantly a few repetitious ones .
There is the telling tale of the Petrified Forest I once visited years ago . From a time when the earth created trees , but had yet to develop dynamics that would break down dead trees into humus.
So they would fall , become filled with minerals , and stay looking as they were , while preserved.
We would do well to try to remember this , as we humans insistently and obliviously barrel through our epochs.

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