But it's so difficult to come to a comprehensive understanding of what this reality actually means , in our own life.
As we struggle to manage having a life and growing up and digesting experience and striving for what matters.
If we work hard or study hard or have children in any which way, time and days and years can shoot by , only for us to waken down the road. So when some shit does hit the fan and we look up and we only have, these days ,this many friends and we're not actually that in touch ,nor reciprocal, nor that active in each other's lives, we wake up , rudely, with a start.
We say " Oh crap, look what happened . "
We say " Well, I'm kind of sunk for now . What on earth am I going to do?"
We say " Wow. As soon as this settles down (which I'm hoping it will) I need to plan out how to connect more and reciprocate more and look to the future.
Which may toddle along taking its sweet time , but on the other hand , might unexpectedly fall over and crash and arrive far sooner , when there really is no plan." And then we all do the best we can with what seems like such an impossible situation. It kind of seems like there really should be a " Oh No! Let us come save you " department, well funded , despite hardly anyone wanting to pay a dime in taxes in this nation .
That will come rescue us , of COURSE! From illness and incapacity and glaring poverty and hunger and cold and loneliness and danger. Oh, and I have a bridge to sell you , in Brooklyn.
But there is none of that , only other sweet people here and there, struggling mightily with their own lives, on a good day.
Which is why when we get A BIG WARNING long before serious old age and infirmity, we cut the crap wasting time with pretty never-gonna-happen fantasies, and get cracking on realistic manageable plans .
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