Funny how, when the 'real'
winter finally arrives , we first rail and whine about how how cold it is!!!
Strangers greet each other as they rush between errands ,making exclamations
about the COLD! I laugh .
At them, at myself, as, on the third or fourth day
out of finally cold, I poke myself as I jog down the snow- bare frozen dirt
road, as fleet as a bound sloth, pulling fingers in to my gloves to find warmth
, covering my face except eyes, purring from the still noticed warmth of the
sun , and really, we've just touched on the teens so far.
And today we're
revving up Into the upper reaches of 20's.
I tell myself, as I load the pup
back in the car after , passing by one delighted horse after chicken after hawk
after other creatures , warming themselves happily beneath the glow of the
great big star .

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