I heard all the commotion, went out back, and four of the five crows had fled, while the goshawk fought back the one remaining crow, who seemed to feel most strongly about pushing them out of town.
It was quite something, to watch the goshawk return the efforts. I would not want to be that crow.
But sometimes all kinds of species have to figure stuff out. I think their only potential conflict, besides the concept of territory, lies in the consumption of baby birds in spring. Just one more of those realities. I mean, if you stop and think about why so many species are alive, it's because of that.
Today I went out in nightgown and bare feet, to dump the compost, and there far overhead the five siblings perched together, all of a branch, and not 25 feet away, the goshawk. All of them quietly just sitting there.
It seems some sort of peaceful arrangement has been brokered.

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