Down by the farmers fields
we went , to stretch our legs and use up his big boy muscles and breath deeply
the fresh summer morning air and infuse ourselves with the big picture
mentality of awareness.
People came and went now and then, to venture down to the private camps, so kids and dogs could run and splash and play in the river and parents could soak themselves cold in this heat and watch the water fun.
The corn was higher than anyone's head tall, the wind small, when overhead the Broadwing hawk took off, circling not quite overhead, calling out to their young one to Come Come practice flying and hunting.
But the young one does not like us here down below ,walking about. So their parent calls and keens,coming somewhat closer to me.
The other day they circled purposefully overhead and despite my breathless delight in their beauty I did respectfully take heed and leave, so their young one could practice in peace.
Today the parent is telling the kid that I'm not a big deal and Come! Come! Circling farther from me but tolerating me, while the young one does their baby keening reply from the nearby trees. Not quite willing to take flight.
So I finish off walking the dog and marveling at the sky and clouds and deep bright green, til I'm done and pack up the pup and wish the Broadwing family well, and off I go peacefully on my way.
People came and went now and then, to venture down to the private camps, so kids and dogs could run and splash and play in the river and parents could soak themselves cold in this heat and watch the water fun.
The corn was higher than anyone's head tall, the wind small, when overhead the Broadwing hawk took off, circling not quite overhead, calling out to their young one to Come Come practice flying and hunting.
But the young one does not like us here down below ,walking about. So their parent calls and keens,coming somewhat closer to me.
The other day they circled purposefully overhead and despite my breathless delight in their beauty I did respectfully take heed and leave, so their young one could practice in peace.
Today the parent is telling the kid that I'm not a big deal and Come! Come! Circling farther from me but tolerating me, while the young one does their baby keening reply from the nearby trees. Not quite willing to take flight.
So I finish off walking the dog and marveling at the sky and clouds and deep bright green, til I'm done and pack up the pup and wish the Broadwing family well, and off I go peacefully on my way.

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