We read and listened to her inimical manner of sharing frankly her life and responses, with candor. We listened to her describe how she struggled along her tougher-than-some and easier than many path.
She spoke openly about how she struggled with addictions that she learned to work with, sharing that there is no endpoint, or all better place, but ongoing work at being.
We read how she figured some things out and chalked other sucky things up to what just happens in life. Never glossing over, nor really dramatizing, but rather being herself and then laying her shares bare.
I guess from what little I've known of her, I liked her and her ideas and ways of navigating. It was kind of nice to coexist on earth, knowing she'd written another piece and was wandering around sharing her thoughts and process on her frank fascinating ways.
So I find I didn't really anticipate her gone.

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