Often, we have difficult or downright injurious
experiences at the hands of others . It is then difficult to find the way to
both honor the intensity of our experience, and insist upon refraining from
projecting our rage and hurt upon others . Because all this does is obstruct
both our healing, and makes the world a more tangled up place of projection. ,
discrimination, and the categorical untruths we tell ourselves .

Look the world over. It is one if the hardest things to have strong opinions and emotions originating from bad experience, and not thrust these upon some human we see before us.
We can learn to say " That which I experienced was wrong and harmful , yes, and yes, now I see myself projecting upon the world ,in my own image, of injury ."
The alternative is preferable in all ways. To honor our experience , and how it yearns to make us believe that this we shall find everywhere.
The lure of casting our experience upon the waters of life as tribute to the harm we endured. To vilify all those who look like/seem like/ have physical characteristics like those who harmed us. This only continues the harm , by us , of others. And closes us down to learning the courage to see what actually is before us.
Putting others into discriminatory categories only cuts off our nose to spite our face. Because it is not true, nor real. And for this reason, no matter the wrong or harm endured in the past , a lie provides little succor . An embellishment no honest thing.
What does heal is honesty and compassion and the determined use of healing tools. EFT.EMDR. Simple everyday mindfulness . Homeopathy . Therapy . And far more . All these have the capacity to unwind the tangle of harm and injury.
Stereotyping is a lousy Hansel and Gretel story , and no matter how many times you rewrite the mean old woman taking the dive , it does not heal what ails you .
Projecting our distress, in determined angry
grievous viewpoints, upon others, does not help anyone at all , least of all
ourselves. It doesn't heal us , it doesn't make the world a better place , it
doesn't change others, and it is not a truth.
Owning our experiences, using common sense in
the world no matter our wishful thinking, learning how groups behave, and then
honoring others as individuals versus caricatures of our bad experiences, gives
us the biggest opportunity for the best tomorrow .
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