There is
this slippery slope we must beware of, when we wander into territory that is
distressing, that has a tendency to poke awake old wounds of our own. When we
are poked enough, even when committed and as activists for a worthy cause, our
consciousness soon enough is compromised; we begin to mistake the present for
the past.

We all have a tipping point, those of us
who have experienced trauma moreso than others. What this means is simply that
we each have a certain tolerance for exposure to that which distresses, before
we become activated enough and rewounded enough to lose perspective, have
clarity slip from our fingers, begin seeing the enemy in each facet of today's
greatest gift, besides love, and grace, faith and some other very cool stuff,
is our awareness. Our clarity.Our being grounded in the present moment. Our
lives in the present. And our capacity to protect ourselves and care
beautifully for ourselves no matter what, which means to measure out how much
exposure to hard things we KNOW we can tolerate, before we begin to be harmed.
When we go
too far or too deep or for too long, no activism is worth the loss of our
selves, our ease in our present life versus our past, and our ability to live
free and clear of past obstructions .
What good, even,
are we to those causes that matter most to us, that we most want to support
change in, if we go too far and become a primarily wounded person once again.
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