I went to see a Dermatologist today , which
people my age start to do if we have health insurance . She said " No,
those are fine. " and I said " Cool", because it was, and then
she started talking about the cure for Cancer. We were talking , both of us, about
how everybody always wants cures. A magic pill that doesn't mess anything else
up. As if.
She said "yeah, they don't want to change anything, like keep things from happening, they just want to do the same stuff and then end up with something and then have a cure handed to them."
We both agreed that horrible conditions get visited upon infants, upon supremely fit individuals who have eaten absolute beautifully their whole lives.
She said "yeah, they don't want to change anything, like keep things from happening, they just want to do the same stuff and then end up with something and then have a cure handed to them."
We both agreed that horrible conditions get visited upon infants, upon supremely fit individuals who have eaten absolute beautifully their whole lives.
She knows my husband and how we are treating his condition integratively.
She said "You know, there is a cure for cancer."I smiled at her. I said "what?" She grinned at me. "Diet and exercise. I'm writing an article about why it's so hard for people to actually do the things they know will prevent cancer, and keep them healthy for longest."
I looked away, and then turned back to her and said "You know, humans are pretty complicated. We have a host of emotional leftovers that contribute to us having difficulty just going and doing the stuff that's best for us, in a straightforward manner."
"I know! "She said, looking rueful, and we sat there for a minute, looking at our hands in frustration, thinking about it all.
"It's so much about emotions!" She said. I replied "I know. I used to teach people about this in my practice, how to address lousy habits and some addictions."
"What did you teach them?" She asked.
"Well," I said, "I used to say a couple things. I told them that feeling badly or conflicted or guilty about lousy habits was like glue, attaching them to you even more firmly.
That it was really important to let go of all that crap, and just do the lousy habit things and relax.
And then we would supplanted them in adequate brain chemistry with, in the beginning, supplements that provided lots and lots of nourishing calming soothing happy brain chemicals. You know, things like five HTP, Theanine , GABA, soothing herbs, sleep herbs, and then the amino acids. Inositol , and especially DL phenylalanine. It's contraindicated for people with migraines or epilepsy, and some cancers. But you want to know what it's for?" I asked.
She said. "Emotional and physical pain!" I retorted!
"Unbelievable! Right?"
"Wow!" She said, grinning ear to ear. "How cool is that?"
cool yeah!"
I said. "And then, what you do, if you watch them feeling better and better, feeling less and less like having that cigarette, that other thing. You fill them in on it. You say to them that they will begin to not feel so much like doing those habits. And when that happens, maybe just choose not to do it this minute. Just this one. Not another one. And then? They get really excited. Because they start not doing it this minute. Maybe not an hour. Maybe they go ahead in two hours, but then they don't do it again for three hours. And they start to understand.
That resisting and feeling shame binds habits to them.
And letting go of that, and filling themselves with really good quality neurotransmitters makes them not need that stuff as much. That allows a habit start to change really nicely. Of course, it only helps but doesn't have a pivotal role in very serious addictions ."
"But isn't that expensive?" She asked.
"Yeah" I said," But here's the really cool part. No it's not accessible as an option to people without money. But after you fill the brain with good quality neurotransmitters and everything gets nicely juiced up and the receptor sites function well again, you can slowly transition to food again .
Good quality protein and vegetables make great quality neurotransmitters.
Lousy junky food begins to fill your BRAIN with crappy quality brain chemicals , that don't last , so you run out faster and begin to yearn for more quick pick-me- up crap food as a solution ." "Whoa! " she said. "Julia Ross, The Food Cure" I told her. We both shook heads , I split, and she went back to work.

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