But it was of no use, and they all knew, so today the small ones are all completely magically venturing forth.
So pause for a moment and imagine hatching out of an egg! And hanging out and being nearby frequently arriving parents and getting bigger and more and more cramped and having this powerful sense of something MORE waiting out there through that opening your parents enter and exit though all day long.
Imagine wanting to Do all that exiting and entering yourself, very much so, as something intense rises up within you and pushes you to the opening.
Maybe you're the first of the siblings or the last. I watched the last of one clutch this morning, the tiny baby boy daring to do what others before him did, and somehow exit the house on sheer trust and drive. And find himself fluttering about and ending up on it's roof. To sit there calling and calling while the mom and dad sat in the nearby Sassafras tree, anxious, answering, and yet, no spring chickens themselves.

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