But the more tired you get and the more you react with body and emotions to every little or big thing, the more dug in you get. Nose to the ground, no big big big picture. Everything looking hard and exhausting.
So I thought it was nothing short of true love and wondrous when a dear old friend called because I was so tired out I wasn't getting to my email to see her notes and she called and said 'Please come on over and let me work on you and smooth all your hard hard things out.' So I did and she did.
She said 'I know you and I've known you for so long and you've really been through so many tough tough things and you will get through this one too.'
Then she reviewed my concerns as I laid them all out and I unhooked my claws and began to breathe again and found myself moving on out of the ravine , into just about the big big grounded picture of my life.
She worked on me and talked to me and brought me back and settled me down again.
And when I sat up all smoothelated and restored back to myself and looked around , I saw I was on my way to the all inclusive big beauty of my life, yeah, still with the tough stuff in there.

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