A cool breeze is seeping out from to darken woods and underbrush, down
by the farmers fields, out past the rolling river. The sky is overcast, with
muted colors of blue, silver, white. Calming and soothing all things beneath.
So I put on my sneakers, and we set out, a little late in the morning, for his Shake rattle and roll.
The long dirt road is dry, Dusty. All the growth lush, still exploding, and quickly, before any summer heat arrives. Many of the trees, in this latelate May, are still setting forth their seedpods, their biological selves bent on propagation.
There isn't a bird in the skies, at 76 degrees. As I walked, I imagined all those birds, nestled on limbs of trees, in the deep cool shade.
Walking outside, everything falls away.
If you wish, and I do, then finances and health difficulty and conflicts and futures are all put on the side porch for a while. And all that is left is the walking, breathing, the rustling of the trees from the breeze, the movement of low-lying clouds overhead.
Somehow ,in this way, if we wish, we are returned to the commonality of all.
So I put on my sneakers, and we set out, a little late in the morning, for his Shake rattle and roll.
The long dirt road is dry, Dusty. All the growth lush, still exploding, and quickly, before any summer heat arrives. Many of the trees, in this latelate May, are still setting forth their seedpods, their biological selves bent on propagation.
There isn't a bird in the skies, at 76 degrees. As I walked, I imagined all those birds, nestled on limbs of trees, in the deep cool shade.
Walking outside, everything falls away.
If you wish, and I do, then finances and health difficulty and conflicts and futures are all put on the side porch for a while. And all that is left is the walking, breathing, the rustling of the trees from the breeze, the movement of low-lying clouds overhead.
Somehow ,in this way, if we wish, we are returned to the commonality of all.

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