I'm trying out the All New deal and the Distract Me Now Please options
and I can't find the button for replay or refresh or redo.
It's all too confusing and I'm struggling to Make The Best and Stiff Upper
and more nonsensical things than you can toss a carburetor at.
I'm trying to calibrate the functional wisdom of giant clanking billing machines
and huge electron microscopes with aching eyes and yammering shaking
industrial sewing machines and trays held out in front of you sloshing hot
coffee and eggs over easy.
I'm getting confused as to what year it is and why it seemed so peaceful there
for awhile after everything had been chaotic since ever.
I've almost forgotten the friend reference to Your Worst Nightmare when
I casually corrected her and said , no, that was childhood.
I've grown used to the distracted and the deniers and the long loose roads
that metaphorically lead nowhere at all ,
and as it is, today, I'm simply looking for a moment's peace.

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