Out in the forest this
morning, it was a coat and socks with shoes kind of day, for the very first
time. The forest floor is littered with what looks like fall foliage, but is
rather the impact of a very dry summer. The sun had just finished coming up
over the range, and the bright greenery was everywhere, as I walked up the
steep side of the small mountain, as he raced through the woods.
Back home now for two days, the sparrows that delighted in the new influx of bird houses given to me, that I put about , are all returning to their small homes, the mater pairs checking the inside and the grasses they placed there for their nests early this spring .
All about are these pairs, returning home fur the winter , knowing they want the shelter, everyone reuniting and celebrating and I suppose taking over their summers to each other.
Overhead I heard the first wind geese of the season, honking and calling out as they ventured from far up in Canada to wherever they will go from here.
And now, while its still not too hard to travel about, our coyote pack is roaming the neighborhood come night, to tell off other packs, to lay the groundwork for the long winter to come.

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