Gradually, we can begin to
become more aware. We shift our attention from obsessing with our plans and
goals and hopes and yearnings, and begin drinking in the day we are given.
learn, if we wish, that struggling against events and circumstances does
nothing but distress us. Feeling our emotions about things, and then learning
to say yes to what has happened, enables us to digest our experiences, and
prevent them from accumulating and threatening to overwhelm us.

So we wake and our belly or our knee or our head
feel a certain way. Our house is or isn't certain ways. Our day involves things
we do or don't appreciate. But with time , we cool out about it. We say to
ourselves 'Yeah, that is my day. Yeah, that is my home. Yeah, this is my health
and my appearance and state of mind.
We learn how to keep walking down the city block or our neighborhood sidewalk or to the subway or down a country road or drive along a tractor or semi or manage a farm or cubicle in an office, as we gently affirm to ourselves our circumstance in this moment, and feel for that moment how we feel about it, and then observe with awareness as it passes on by.
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