We have evolved our diet to include so many things we don't benefit from. Dairy. Meat. Ground up grains.
It's not that they don't contain valuable nutrients. It's that, genetically, we have not evolved enough to manage the volume of them, proportionately, in our diets.
We have a Petrified Forest in the US, containing the remnants of trees, what fell to the earth before the earth had evolved enzymes to break down trees. So they became petrified.
Humans have not evolved quickly enough to be able to break down foods they historically did not rely on.
If you have noticed, even places like Dana Farber are realizing this, and this year began urging patients to eat a vegan diet.
But here's what I was realizing yesterday.
All over the cosmos there are species who begin, who strew garbage everywhere, begin to eat crap they are not designed to
healthily break down, and then die out.
Natural order.
Think of all the sustainable species who will remain after
we're gone, if we don't kill them off with our wanton ways first.

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