How we manage our day is up to us.
How we manage our tasks and relations and responsibilities and grave great current concerns necessitates resourcefulness and great gorgeous interdependence.
How we acknowledge that which is happening, which we know is not good stuff, while making the effort in our own day we are given ,to retain trust in those things we know are of value, while keeping on, is up to all of us.
Reframing and choosing how much of what to expose ourselves to, while hoping to be informed to a certain extent, is wise and sustainable and sets limits for our own sense of decency and honor and protects our health and well being.
So, know and remember this.
There are so many of us here.
So many feel so overwhelmed and worried and desperate and ready to try anything.
Others still understand and are committed to seeking out information and equity and civil rights for all; and historical perspective.
And understand to a certain extent the long view, the long cycles of change in life and nations.
Let us support each other and know we're not alone in our quest for respect and social and economic justice for all. For the sanctity of the earth and sustainable living wages. For equal opportunities and job training and education and safe work places.
That this and justice and well being for all are never mutually exclusive.
That opportunists and charlatans will always be making their inroads.
That at the end of the day, you will have peace, knowing your goodness and your honor.
Do unto others, that others do unto you.

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