It doesn't mean you don't get to wish anyone Merry Christmas, so don't be infantile about it.
It means we may not want to assert the Christian Christmas as being the biggest bestest holiday ( sound like anyone you know?).
I say Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. We offer each other " Happy Holidays" if we feel like it, simply because there are so many winter holidays. There are so many cool holidays, you might just want to check them out.
And just maybe, when your neighbor or coworker or their kid is at school or the town hall, you might want them to see themselves and their traditions reflected , just as you would want your own to be included.
We may want our publicly owned buildings to be inclusive, so instead of Jesus, more generalized winter celebratory stuff. It's not hard and it's not a big deal and it's not about you and what you want to do in your own private Idaho.
It's about adults and kids of all faiths and ethnicities looking around them and gradually seeing a world that includes them too.
Ever hear of the Golden Rule? It's shown up in ever religious tradition, the earliest reference is Egyptian c. 2040, and it keeps popping up because it's just common sense. A good one to live by, I'd say.
Learn all the cool holidays created by your big beautiful human family.

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