You know how the older you get, the more you realize how few rules there really are? Like how you can celebrate your birthday or anyone's birthday or anything anytime you want? Well, after burying Gemma today, I realized that I could adopt her, and make her my dog.
The window she peered into, that caught my eye
Mine could be her forever home. And we could be her people, instead of her foster people. It's really simple as that. No rules.
The field I saw her limp across the very next day after beginning to come for food
As we did with my children when they were young, and animal companions died, I cut fresh rosemary from the kitchen, and the blossom of a succulent, and I lay sprigs for each and every person who loved her, by her side.
A very very old tradition. Then we brought her out to Shiva's grave, that has been waiting for whenever she is done here.
We wrapped Gemma in the soft deep deep green flannel. We said a prayer and saw her filled with love,
Her life was shorter than some and longer than others.
We covered her with potting soil, leaving I think , just enough room for my beloved Shiva Louisa, whenever she is ready to be done here.
We covered it with the same piece of plywood and rock that has been waiting there.
So now, she is at her forever home. She is embraced by this land, these microbes, and small creatures, the way I so wish I could be, when my own time comes.
Gemma's forever home
As I see her, filled and filled with love those nine days she was found and cared for. As I find her, nestled within my own spacious heart, forever.
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