Someone was happily and successfully reminding me of the
#1 coolest guideline of procrastination.
A. You can do ANYTHING for 15 minutes. SET THE TIMER.
B. If it goes well, you get to reset the timer for another 15 minutes.
C. Then , you must STOP, if you want this to continue to work.
D. After a while has passed, you can go back, set your timer to
15 minutes, and do it again .
E. But beware : if it's something you truly have procrastination about,
it's because it's invariably become linked in your mind with some difficulty .
So either go get some EMDR to unravel it,
or keep honoring the 15 minute timer-deal,
which will enable you to do bits and pieces ,
while keeping Pandora's box closed.
P.S.sometimes we desensitize ourselves behaviorally
to something that was previously linked to distress ,
and then it becomes available to do,
and not linked to other subterranean issues.
At times this process helps with that sort of extinction of link.
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