We had a bit of time, a tiny bit of energy, so after dropping the benefactor off at work, we found our way to a lesser known conservation path, that most likely would be deserted of canines and humanoids on this fine January morning. We ambled out, began a nice wander over the bridge; through the woods.
There were tracks of coyote, seeking sustenance in brush piles that held the promise of torpid chipmunks mistakenly not digging down deep enough before falling into their winter's sleep. Fox tracks, slim and efficient, making their own way to drink at the waters, and then search out the minute sounds of mouse and mole and vole, for a dinner last night, or perhaps breakfast, just this morning.
There were avid woodpeckers , their rat-a-tat-tat sounds ringing through the forest. While the snow cover muted our footsteps, the movements of others, and yet the lack of leaves enabling other noises to travel great distances. Chickadees complained in tart voices at our presence, as we wandered along the elevated trail, the morning sunlight glistening upon the rippling stream that appeared, disappeared beneath snow,and then reappeared once again.
Dante raced and leaped and drank and waded and lugged up huge old branches from beneath snow and ice; and then ran past me with the huge things in his jaws, thwacking my calves in his haste, as his delight shone.
The sun rose higher as the 19 degrees hovered about both of us, clad in layers upon layers, he happily panting , me huffing, as I leaned upon a tree and had a small rest in the beautiful clean fresh glen.
Too soon, I knew we were done, or I was, so the pup was grabbed and our walk turned about. Layers of sunlight flickered through the tall Fir, here and then gone. Bright lights clustered along the brook, like veritable fairies, dancing, single lights so clear you cold count them.
And I? Well I was beautifully emptied of what is not, or what has been, instead filled somehow with what was in that moment, and nothing more. As I bundled the bouncy canine kid back into the car, and we slowly made our way home.

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