Try to forget the
jar fallen in pieces all over the kitchen floor
The clock whining the late minutes
The eggs stuck to the plate as your
fork quickly lifts them to your mouth
Forget the way your feet
struggle into your boots and the
scarf obscures your whereabouts for
just that one moment as the two of you
Leash the dancing dog and grab the
waterbottle and your briefcase and the
harness and letters
with their gleaming new stamps
Overlook the splatter of
dog water as his Shepherd lips let
loose half of what
is intended to drink down
As your eyes meet mine and we stop, smile; the
winter sun almost blinding us through the
long row of kitchen windows, your
hand coming to rest on my back as we
lean in for a solemn kiss
jar fallen in pieces all over the kitchen floor
The clock whining the late minutes
The eggs stuck to the plate as your
fork quickly lifts them to your mouth
Forget the way your feet
struggle into your boots and the
scarf obscures your whereabouts for
just that one moment as the two of you
Leash the dancing dog and grab the
waterbottle and your briefcase and the
harness and letters
with their gleaming new stamps
Overlook the splatter of
dog water as his Shepherd lips let
loose half of what
is intended to drink down
As your eyes meet mine and we stop, smile; the
winter sun almost blinding us through the
long row of kitchen windows, your
hand coming to rest on my back as we
lean in for a solemn kiss
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