The largesse of life pulsing with it all.

The winter
fields shone with itinerant, golden grasses, pressing up here and there around
the snow, with muted reds from the Sumac
trees strung along the curving edges of the hill; while the crimson stalks of
Elderberry were barely visible in the sunset ,
their rich red berries gone into
the mouths of creatures, to kill viruses and boost immunity here in the wilds
of her broad back yard.
Mira one handedly pulled her scarf about her neck and mouth, yanked her
soft wool cap down over her ears, found the small hand by her side once again,
bounced the young one up on her hip a bit, and then continued on in the growing
dusk, tromping through the knee deep snows, as she watched them glisten, imagining each and every snow flake within
the whole, thinking on the skies far above the earth, it's sweeping winds and
stardust, and the cold drafts that turned small innocent precipitation into
small white miracles, falling about her, as she now felt Luisa’s small mittened
hand wiggle a bit in hers, and Marten’s growing weight upon her hip, as, in the darkness before bed, she and the six
of them walked this way, to the top of the old conservation field, to gaze upon the
constellations so stark and bright in the darkening winter skies,
As Alessandro began making up a winter sky song, of course, and Luisa
grumbled about her insisted-upon-favorite-nightgown beneath her warm outdoor
wear, it's length pulling at her small knees as she struggled to take steps
through the snow, jerking upon Mira’s hand, just as Starling came running up and hugged Mira about her middle, taking her
breath away, with that inimitable youthful laugh, though she had no hands for
the child, but turned to look at her,
just taking in Starling’s complete shining faced happiness, before watching the
seven year old take Luisa’s small hand in hers, bending low to point out
to the younger one Orion and the belt and the story of the stars in the sky and
the orienting humans and animals have done by night, as they slowly moved away;
When Ruiz ambled up by her,
bumping shoulders in his easy camaraderie, as preteens do; she smiling down at him
still, giving him a brief hug, realizing it would not be down at him, not for
to much longer, gazing at her oldest son in silent pleasure, til his long lanky
body and shining long black hair loped away down the field toward Alessandro
the small bard, sweeping the young one off his feet with a screech of joy, the
two of them tumbling into the soft new snow, Ruiz letting his little sibling
sit upon him and fall upon the older one's
stomach while he OOFed and UGHed in a most satisfactory and pleasing
manner, making Sandro laugh his young boy belly laugh, that echoed off into the darkened woods. Mira
thought of the walk and the laugh and the hand holding and the sleepy small one
on her hip and the older ones talking and the night sky and the only thing she
felt was the immortality of it all.
Moth trudged up alongside, hands deep and sullen in pockets, til Mira veered a bit and pulled Moth up
alongside her in an enormous tight, and she knew, irritatingly loving embrace, anticipating the posturing and protest, as she watched the
teen acceptance of being filled and
pleased with love and more love. Reluctantly,
Moth put both arms about Mira, and then they laughed as their steps
became awkward for the closeness, a three legged pace of sorts.
While far above, as Alessandro’s night song quieted, standing hand in
hand with Starling and Ruiz and Luisa, stock still now, in the quick grasp of
the sudden chill , Mira looking on with a heart contented with fecundity and
devotity and ease.

Knowing that if she craned her neck, and now she did lean back far enough to feel
the disorientation and dizziness, she
could try to encompass the amassed stars heralding the universe
beneath and about them.
If she kept leaning back, holding a groggy young Marten and a captivated
Moth by her side, she would be consumed by how there was nothing in the
world at all at all but these young ones near her and the pungent quiet of a frosted night, knowing that all the wild creatures were making their way in
survival and knowledge .
This pervasive darkness drawn about them , as they all of a one felt
stirring within the endlessness of the
heavens, far overhead." copyright 2015
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