There is this house down the road from me, with
a very pretty small garden, enclosed by a rock wall. This year as I drove to
and fro, I began noticing people coming to clean up the garden, and reposition
the bench.
All the while, there was this older, gaunt person, with a walker and oxygen tanks, standing by, or walking about, watching.
Then I would see them walking up and down their driveway, to their mailbox, by themselves, without the oxygen tank. Slow and difficult effort.
This morning, driving by on the way to walking down by the river, I caught sight of a tiny tractor with a wagon behind it, and this person, sitting at the wheel.
I'm imagining the walker left behind on the front porch. All these tree branches in the back of the wagon. As this person, strengthened and liberated, makes their way in their day.

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