Integrative Treatment of Cancer is not well understood at all. And it's a great
thing to have some idea about. Trust me. Integrative medical tx of cancer or
any other condition is a lot like having numerous tradespeople restoring your
home. An electrician cannot replicate the work of a plumber nor a carpenter .
Most people have NO idea what it means ,
Integrative Medicine, and think there is only Either/Or. That could not be
farther from the truth, not further from your advantage.
one chooses to have Western Medical treatments to cancer, an Integrative
approach means you, or you and an Oncology Naturopath, carefully determine what
herbs , supplements, homeopathics, external applications , hands on work , and
energetic work ( Reiki. etc.) to be done and when, in what synergy, and
how.what we can somewhat afford . What will be most integral for the person ,
and gave the most effectiveness .
these things are in their relative infancy , it's pretty complex. You NEED
someone to consult , who specializes in the 'Naturopathic' tools, because they
vary according to many factors:
-What type of cancer
-How progressed
How fit. , strong and clean ( vs full of blocked
eliminative waste)
-What is somewhat realistic and manageable ,
financially, orally, and emotionally / cognitively
-How much integrity the GI tract has , for
digesting vs being irritated and stressed by little liquids and pills.
an initial intake , consults often happen by phone or Skype , last about a half
hour, and cost around $250, and happen every few months or as needed. Judicious
use of email gives you more access for adjustments as things come up.
Thing is, if you can manage to supervise a loved
one's situation or your own, without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted
(sustainability being primary) there is SO much more that is possible .
terms of increasing the 'tolerance' for conventional treatments. For increasing
the strength and vitality of the person with cancer and their immunity.
Thing Two is, it's tough to be the supporter,
who surveils the state of health , has a birds eye view of the perils involved
with this or that , keeps track of supply and ordering , and gently reminds /
offers to help the person do thus or that.
Kind of like supporting a growing kid with
special needs , one wants to support but not NEED the person to do things .
Can't contaminate the relationship , if the supporting is going to work .
a very unfortunate thing to run out of supplements . I watched very unfortunate
things happening to clients , and learnedly valuable lesson.
(It IS possible to replicate formulas
inadequately , so you have lesser effective replacements for when you run out).
birds eye view is tough . I remember attending births to photograph and
advocate . Many home births. , some hospital . There are these slippery slopes
with our bodies , where, once you can't pull off one thing, and add a med,
statistically there is a great chance the next and then next med will become
more and more necessary. Slippery slope.
person with cancer can't necessarily manage their life , their efforts , their
exercise and good meals and meeting up with the. 'Station' of supplements three
times a day, pills and liquids and powders and refrigerated stuff, and pull off
other responsibilities , AND check out the consequences of pulling off the
latest problem in neutrophil production or naturopathically reducing HTN , and
handle the cost/benefit of adding an additional med ( all meds are a great
problem for already greatly stressed liver) without crumbling .
It is
in its infancy . Integrative a Medicine for Cancer. It will become clearer .
Naturopathic treatment of cancer will become so
vital to success and health it will be institutionalized , with the ensuing
advantages and disadvantages .
Private pay for all the all the supplements will
be necessary . Creative people will come up with mediating solutions for
I n
the meantime , exactly like the great and the difficult involved with treating
any other condition naturopathically , it us much more work for great great
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