We went down, early, to the road by the
farmer's fields, down by the Connecticut, and wandered along in the morning
soup. The corn is now half harvested, the soybeans ripening, and the cabbage
huge and healthy. The Milkweed flourishes, providing an ecosystem for so many
insects it's unbelievable, all getting born and growing up and feeding and
hanging out. Out beyond our sight call the Hawks, preparing for their fall
migratory convening on the nearby range . The Bluejays call excitedly to
one another, freshly arrived from summer in the North, figuring out what to do
and where to go for the winter. One Great Blue Heron, motionless, glides by
overhead. Two fields have new For Sale signs on them, one for a waterfront
piece of land, and so it goes. The squash do not pay. So sad, this that does
happen, and has, as humans expand and stretch and grow. We pass by dew-covered
Asparagus ,and grasses with their remarkable luminescents, our steps silent
beneath us on the dirt. As nearby, the river continues to renew itself to it's
estuary. The ancient path. As we turn, and settle back into the day we have
been given.

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