If you want to be involved with what works, and
what actually makes a difference, and you actually look into the history of
healing and medicine, you begin to realize just what is. And what is, is that
each type of healing and medicine has a different toolbox. And yeah, there are
all kinds of factors that influence what develops in that tool box.
carpenters can't fix pipes, while plumbers don't generally build door frames,
so you really have to wake up and get pragmatic if you want to not stress, and
to be as healthy as you can be.
Standing over a system of Western Medicine wanting their tool box to hold stuff it has never held doesn't make a whole lot of difference to your health or the future. Educating yourself about what has garnered respect, interest, or use, and seems to work, matters. Learning slowly how things work and why in some situations and not others, is important.
Long ago many of us realized we could use our money for copays to see someone who didn't even have our condition, or a non-invasive remedy in their tool box , or we could carefully investigate and then judiciously try out other ways of healing ourselves, in a manner of great common sense and being well informed.
There are so many ways to learn about how our bodies work, what hurts and what helps them. It's good to focus on what will make a difference. I don't want to waste my time feeling angry and frustrated by what is real.
That some conditions are recognized and some are not. That Asthma and ALS and many other conditions were considered psychosomatic 50 years ago.That babies were thought to feel no pain until the last few decades! That pain relief was just not of interest or concern until recently. It just is what it is. And it changes by popular demand, and it takes a long long time.
Better to study well and do slow careful literature reviews and then go do what works. The culture changes because it follows the money. It just takes lots of time, and I"m not going to spend mine butting my head against how things have worked for a long long time.
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