Saturday, February 2, 2013

                                                 1.31.13 Hadley Back Road in Winter

                           "Countries are ransacked, valleys drenched with blood. Though it seems                                .                          untimely I still publish my belief in the egg, the contents of the egg, the 
                           warm coal, and the necessity for pursuing whatever fire delights and sustains you.
                               -E.B. White, from The Story of Charlotte's Web by Michael Sims

1.31.13 Thankyou Frances Moore Lappe

                                                      Hadley, MA Flooded Winter Field

                                                                 I've grown certain 
                                                            that the root of all fear 
                                                    is that we've been forced to deny 
                                                                      who we are.
                                                              -Frances Moore LappĂ©

1.31.13 Thankyou Calvin Trillin  

                                           1.31.13 Connecticut River, Hadley, MA

                                        The most remarkable thing about my mother
                                          is that for thirty years she served the family 
                                                             nothing but leftovers. 
                                           The original meal has never been found. 

                                                                    -Calvin Trillin

Friday, February 1, 2013

12.13.12 The new shoes


     This morning, I decided that it was  a kind of birthday for me. I never care about opening presents early, but I asked K if I could open my present from him, right now... He asked why. I told him it was a kind of re-birth-day for me. I told him I had shaken the package. He asked what it felt like. I said it felt like TWO THINGS bumping together!! He laughed, and said, 'Sure, go ahead!' I said "Is it what I think it is???' He said ' I don't know! Go OPEN it!'
     So I tore it open, and it was everything I wanted it to be. I was so delighted, admiring them. He said "Put them ON!" I was like Cinderella with the perfect glass slippers, fitting like gloves, lovely soft fuzzy brown slip-on gloves.
     He laughed at me. I told him I felt like a 5 year old with new Keds- you remember? You just knew you could run faster and jump higher. He said "On rainy, icy days, you must wear your boots and carry these with you. Really. " I said, 'Oh, okay." Jumping high, running fast, super fly....oh yeah!!!


     So warm around here. Hearing all the nutso struggles in our political arena about filibusters and so many illogical things, which I guess simply comes w. the territory of trying to run a big country of humans.
     Out back, I washed the little safe enclosure the possum sleeps in every night, and put down several layers of poly fleece to keep the cold concrete away. It is inside the back doorway, behind a big piece of plywood, so small coyote-free tunnel. So adorable to see their impression left on the blankets when I bring the dog out each morning.
     In the meantime, life is puttering along...the pace quickening w. holidays. I remind my clients that holidays are optional and there are no rules. We all seem to think there are rules about it all and so many fret about money and thinking they have to DO things.... when truly, not only do we get to make our own wisest choices, but if necessary, we can say to those who know us, or even care about us, that we are simply trying to live in a sane balanced manner.                                       .       Thursday morning in my practice,  a stiff person in their 90's w. a new disc out, a farmer w. his sore spots and nerve stuff, a singer w. constriction. Immunity improving in others, chronic respiratory challenges on the mend. Man, what a lucky person I am to have this job.
     Plus, every morning when I arrive, I see where the office possum was last night, because they come by, having midnight dinner in my garden, and then leave poops in a line, day after day, all along the edge of the walks. Noone knows all these little dark bundles are turds but me, and I find it pretty hysterical. Guess after that late dinner, they just have to poop right then and there. Territorial, or utilitarian? Ah well, off we go into winter.