Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1.19.16 Yeah , there was the morning walk .

You could have called it  'The getting blown all over the place by frigid winds walk'. 
The only thing uncovered was eyes and top of cheeks, which of course, did that incredible aching thing after a few minutes . 
Slowly , one finger after another numb. 
As the bright sun shone down upon all things, and the river began to freeze over.
And economy of movement became the mantra for all the wild things.

1.19.16 He's up there

 in the early morning light, in the kid-bedroom-turned-study, with the pink-blue sunrise tossed across the high fields out the window, his lemon water dutifully by his side, the beautiful medicine plants flourishing in the corner, doing his work, answering emails, perusing things, as the grooves of the Master (Keith Jarrett) spin and tumble through the house. I lean against the wall downstairs, and smile.


1.19.16 Up against the night

you find yourself held, fast
As the horizon streams thick purple
As the sky beyond ranges from pale blue 
to the deepest cobalt
Your hands slip into each pocket, fingers curled
The startling cold welcomed in with each breath
And as you walk along, you begin to notice that
all the houses shine

1.19.16 Cultivation

One of the things we sometimes learn with age
is when to push, and when to, instead, sit back and cultivate.

1.19.16 Dear People who have written me

I just today discovered this other message section, that has all your notes,
 from recently to long ago. 

My apologies. 

So many wonderful messages. 

I've begun replying a bit here and there. 

Take care, Gwen

1.19.16 Coming from that place

 It's not about investigating or not investigating cancer diagnoses or brain injuries, or anything else we encounter. 
It is about settling ourselves back down into the present moment, back into being here, attuned, over and over again. 
And then making choices from that place; not from abject rolling fear or dread. It's about us learning how come from this place of settled-down- into- ourselves awareness. 
And however we be, being from there.

1.19.16 Speaking of dishes

Seems codependence is a dish best served cold.