Sunday, October 13, 2013

10.13.13 Be kind to yourself. Now have a nice sleep and a good morning.

Fall means visiting the river today, and all this growth in this warmer-days photograph has been cut for the winter, the riverside shorn. 

The wind is gentle, but whips itself up as gatherings of mallards line the sides, feeding, preparing for sleep. People and dogs meander both sides, on their evening strolls, ever taken by the view of the earth from this small spot, the sun always being turned away from right at that place by the trees, as we all sink down into night; into fall, approaching the time of relative rest.

Let's see if its possible , in your own days and nights, despite the striving for survival, for food and a roof or kids or stability, to slow things a bit as the cold approaches, and give yourself a chance to head to bed a bit earlier, and then drink something warm and neutral in the morning to welcome your gut to the day.

Give yourself a little foot massage, digging in a bit here and there, because you will be unwinding all kinds of things, whether you know what they are or not, and healing and settling others. Don't be ruthless, but when you find a bumpy or sore or crunchy place, it is something real. If i was with you, or someone else whose work correlates these things, I would show the same little stuck crunchy thing as evidence on your face and on your back and limbs and then on the actual organ. It's real. Hang out and rub all over. If you have Gwen's Magic Oil, use a bit of that. I know, it's expensive now that organic olive oil is pricey. But use a dab, and smear it over each foot; then rub into places. You can do no harm. You can only help things a little bit. Inch by inch; row by row, eh?

See if you can take a bath now and then, and toss in some Epsom Salts and Sea Salt and Baking Soda and Borax (not the cleanser, just the plain Borax) to suck up the chlorine and chemicals, if you have non-well water, and suck crap out of your skin. Your skin will slowly smoothe with repeated use, become more free of garbage and more full of health and vitality. And your body will send all kinds of garbage out out into the water, out of your body's organs and systems. Really. Cool, huh?

See if you can spend some time, just a little bit, before you go to bed, not looking at....a machine.

Can you manage it? Notice how hard that is. Your brain notices. Give you eyes and brain a break and look at a book.

Or a book with no words!!! 

Or a view out a window or of a cat sleeping or of your kid breathing. Or the wind out the back door, before you pad back inside and slip into your sanctuary of sleep. 

Be kind to yourself. Now have a nice sleep and a good morning.