Saturday, October 17, 2015

10.17.15 Out in the woods early this morning,

      the air was cool and clear, the season hankering for a change. Each step tasted like the close of summer, that last of the growing for the time being.
     Out along the wooded path, there is evidence of many creating their winter homes, setting claim to their winter neighborhoods, storing foods or digging holes and barrows.
     Out in the woods, there are so many creatures who spend all their days staying invisible from this one species of humans. They are thickening their fur and their underfeathers, filling up and fattening themselves in storage for long cold snow packed days.

     Out in the woods the streams have dried, the leaves fall incessantly  singing with their pattering across the ravines. As the cold winds come, one after another, as we hear the news that tonight will bear the killing frost. And all will begin the long sleep.

10.16.15 More and more lives

So many of you write me these small notes. Telling me what you think. What you like. What kinds of things move you . How you feel brought along, on these many quiet walks and thoughts . 

Funny thing is, over time I find that while out there, I'm just right there.

But later when I write and think the day or the walk or other things over , I've slowly come to write as if I'm speaking with you who write me notes.

Which grows into this long distance lag-time conversation, as if we were all having tea or planting a garden, or cleaning a yard or rebuilding someone's subfloor; bumping into each other. Asking after your cat or your neighbor or your health or your Maple or your furnace.
A long continuing conversation that slowly includes more and more lives.


10.16.15 May we be truly thankful

For the day we have been given
may we be truly thankful.

10.16.15 The give and the take

One beautiful wild turkey, dead, by the side of the road. 
Overhead? One elegant great blue heron, soaring by.

10.16.15 When no one else is looking

Who you really are
is the person you watch show up
when no one else is looking.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

10.14.15 None whatsoever

I'm not the kind of person who tolerates anyone limiting my sense of possibility. I'm not. You may feel the same. I like growing older, because I can be honest and yet caring and then frightfully direct, all at the same time. Like a dish that is salty,yet sweet, and then filling. Just like that.