Friday, November 22, 2013

11.21.13 Crab crab crab crab crabby.

Photo: crab crab crab crab crabby. sometimes aren't you TIRED of being such a good sport???

Crab crab crab crab crabby.

Sometimes aren't you TIRED 

of being such a good sport???

11.12.13 The High Court of Nature

Felt like the High Court of Nature

 down in the deserted 

river valley fields 

out by the Connecticut River

 yesterday,  at dusk

11.7.13 Catapulted

Seems we have been catapulted forward in our seasonal shift, just transformed, and suddenly, by the brilliant all-encompassing sun's light.

 I pause at each favorite place, as dogs patiently and unhappily wait in the car, to  jump out and gaze at this change, to relish its illumination of all things.

 The small town's church and back fields. The home of one of many hard working farm families , just hanging on. The arborist 'a row of elegant birches glistening in the brash sunset. The old tobacco barn , thrown into undulating shadows that reflect the speed with which our earth is turning away from the sun, at this moment.

All things bright and beautiful , almost too bright to lay eyes upon , til the sun tires of flaunting it’s vast agility,  and evening settles back into a more complacent November 's sunset for all.

11.13.13 Greetings, Dark Cold Morning

Winter has started to crawl into our land today.  

And beneath the chill and the cloud cover, there is a small sunrise at the horizon as we drive my husband to work.

Dogs clambering in the backseat, whining and spatting like the children who used to be there, and now call and text and visit.

 Everyone you see on the streets and woods suddenly with hats and gloves, curled into themselves a bit, as they make their way in their morning.

They say snow any day. Greetings , dark cold morning.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

11.19.13 Oh Crap. Just One Of Those Days

Hmmm. We drove Him to work. Then back to bed. No racing through the forest. No wrestling dog friends. No swimming and rolling in mud. Hmm. You don't feel good today. Breakfast in bed... You're just waiting for my napping phase. Oh crap. That kind of day. And I can't even sneak any food....

I'll help. Here. Let's pick together. Then you throw . I race off and grab. Can we still do that today??

Now here is a good selection. In case you get the urge to throw and throw some wicked cool noisy squeaky toy . For me . So I stop trying to steal your slippers. And chew on your arms and sleeves .

Oh crap. Okay. Just one of those days for you. That's okay. Let's just do the nap. It's ok.