Friday, December 18, 2015

12.18.15 So easily we forget

 the vast existence 
within which we perch.

12.18.15 Soft grasses parted

 where a
deer or coyote
in their secret lives
did venture down to the river 
this early morning


12.18.15 But no matter

We sat and watched as the day came to its close; as the outwaters, recently filled with such early winter's rain, flourished with winged foul and not-yet-asleep turtles. As the Coyote stirred, knowing the migration toward houses and cars and compost bins was close, no matter the mild easy weather and the plentiful food. The bears, I imagine, like the chipmunk, may be full of disagreement amongst themselves, as to whether it is time to crawl deep and sleep, or continue on, in the light warmth. But no matter, whether it be human contaminant or the cycles of the earth itself, all will continue. All will grow and then slumber, as each of us, in this place, is called to our own winter's rest.

12.18.15 This curved and wooded road

Early this morning, crossing over the Calvin Bridge ,passing high in the air with the aquamarine sky far in the distance, the hills, studded with gray blue clouds. The Rolling Stones blasting on the radio, me driving placidly as I overcome most probably the genetic compulsion to open it up, and belt it on down 
this curved and wooded road.


12.16.15 Humpetey dumptey

Young dogs are so funny. Here's this 
85 lb Shepherd, on the bed 
while I change the sheets 
( one side at a time- because he thinks it's fun to be in the middle of things ) 
And he'll just be sitting there, when his body starts humping. That's right
He looks at me like 'What the heck?!' 
And I'm laughing so hard, and say to him 
'Dude! I have no idea !' 
Humpetey Dump-tey?