Saturday, April 23, 2016

4.23.16 It's the dog now,everywhere. Ok.

When my kids were younger, never fail, on walks when I was taking photos, they would always get in whatever caught my eye. 
So I surrendered. That would be the shot. 

Eventually , my dogs did this . Never fail. 
You look at something? They're suddenly right there, in the shot. 

So I said to myself, Alright.
It's now the dog,now. Everywhere. Ok.


4.23.16 For this is the way of it

If this was a fairytale, then having the second very mild spring in a row would be cause for jubilation. 
Because the usual harsh frozen winds, and drenched nights, mediate the number of birds, deer, and coyote that will survive. 
But because this is real life, all this is building up to
 is an excess of populations that will not be sustained. And then, the survival of the fittest will simply be done by other means. For this is the way of the land.


4.23.16 At the end of the day

Wherever you go, there you are.

4.23.16 Just like this

I found myself lingering there
the countenance of the place hinting at 
a coming revelation of some magnificence.
Until I realized it had already arrived
and was, simply, this.


4.23.16 This struggle at hand

It is vital that we seek balance in all things. 
That we keep close to us the awareness 
of the old ones, the lessons and the stories .
That were told again and again , 
to each old generation, and each new.
Because we do not remember easily ,
 it seems, as a species. And must 
sing the songs and tell the tales 
each night upon retiring, each morning when we wake. 
Lest we forget all that brings us to moderation, 
to a measured balanced way of living. 
So that we may have the strength 
and the endurance for the struggle at hand .