Wednesday, January 2, 2019

1.2.19 Ready Set

Been a couple of not-so-easy days, with a few more to follow. But I get how and why and the wherefore and all. Sleeping well, somehow staggering in to work out a bit, but not every day like usual. Eating well ,and then adding the Not well crap food . Ugh.

But time passes ,and if we stay focused, we get through the hard processing too. 

And in the middle of it all, with the microphone on my phone, while driving, I just started writing the novel I began maybe five years ago, and had to let go of in all the stupid hubbub.

Funny, there they all are, the characters and their situations and the places, same as before , but with their own new entrance, and their own new slant.

I just keep hearing them talk when I drive , and turn on my phone , and talk down the action , and follow it best I can. Funny how that works.

It’s like you can be doing well or not well, or mostly well with some tough stuff come up for air , and all of a sudden , it all lines up somewhere inside of you, without you
and knocks on your door
and says ‘Ok, we’re here. Get cracking.’

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