Saturday, June 27, 2015

6.26.15 One lone Blue Heron

One lone Great Blue Heron, sailing past effortlessly, as the sun sets and their day comes to a close.

6.27.15 Small bell, big cosmos

6.26.15 The unmistakable feel

The unmistakable feel of early morning hours
as we slip into this awaiting day

6.25.15 Love and our youthful plans

So often we have this conviction, when parenting
that it is WE who will figure out how to do such a wonderful job,
 knowing and loving and raising our offspring... 
that they will be exempt from challenges . 

And really see who we are; know what we are capable of. 

Love is actually far more complex than that, 
and often affords us precious experiences 
we never even thought to include
 in our youthful plans .

6.24.15 Oh, I tried to lure them

Last night I came upon them
so small, hovering by the
closed window, past the old cabinet
Brought in, sleeping, amongst the cut garden greens

Oh, I tried to lure them
into a clear cup, envelope to cover
to help bring them back home
as they anxiously flew about the room

Only this morning
an answer to my bedtime prayers
I catch sight of their tiny native bee body
struggling in a resident spider's web

It is with apologies to the spider as we
all must eat, that I gently
scoop the small figure finally into the cup
carefully bringing them to the back yard
pulling off the envelope
urging them to fly free back
 from whence they came

6.24.15 Truth

It's true. A rose need be nothing but a rose.