Sunday, October 11, 2015

10.8.15 Beneath and between

Here, the Shepherd is the protector. Not yet three, still he knows by your smell changing as your day becomes easier or more difficult . Your tone of voice, the way you walk through the house , your articulation with objects ; like other creatures , he takes note of it all. And then there are the intense Shepherd genes, that foster both aggression, fear , wariness, and great tender protectiveness. If you are more in need , there he is, right by your side, or at your feet. Beneath your side of the bed. He needs to know you are ok in the bathtub, at the end of the day, after you have been gone without him. He must greet you with unbridled joy, then sniff , then bathe and check you and see that your scent is adjusted correctly . Quite a powerful sense of duty, dogs of all kinds.The German Shepherd has it's own strident code to live by.

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