Friday, June 21, 2013

6.19.13 Nestled in The Universe

Well, I hope everyone is enjoying their June.

Around here, people have finished whining about winter and shoveling and ice, and are having a respite til they begin whining about heat and humidity and mosquitoes and either too much....or too little...rain- ( you get to whine about either one ).

Myself, I am needing to cut back on work due to health I'm going by the river to be fed by it's gloriousness more often.

And decided I just wanted to make a little bloglet entries about riverlove and all, so I did.

Just because, when I'm walking there, I look up and I feel how it's this little patch of earth, not so different than yours, and its such a blessing to frequent it and get to know it so that you never ever say to yourself 

‘Oh where did June go??",  because you KNOW where June went. You were right there, every single day , watching it ease itself along from one moment, all the creatures and living things, to the next. You too.

 I just stand there thinking about how at this...this  very moment, we are on the earth , which is spinning, about how if you zoomed up from my little place by the river where my feet are nestled in the long wet grass, you would spot the places each of you..and more of us all...are perched or fluttering or standing, and then you would zoom up further....and there would be the earth, in its entirety.

And then you would zoom up further, and there would be our galaxy, and our universe, and then the......the veritable, unquestionable, unfathomable ...endlessness.

And that is what I am steeped in...when I walk along the Connecticut. So yeah, I decided to make tiny bloglet mutterings to stick photos of what my little place on earth was looking like and smelling like and bustling about like...most days.

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