Today I was driving past one of my favorite places.
There are so many places where, unless you look carefully, over and over again, learning to really see what is there, taking photographs, and discovering more of what's there, you don't realize what an amazing place it is.
This is just a field in my little town on the little road I take to go just about anywhere.
But often, something remarkable is just happening there. Or so many places. Possibly every single place.
So, today I drove by, and glanced to the side just to say hi, and thought to myself "What on earth is happening here?" Screeched to a stop.
Often, I just pull the car over, and take a quick shot. Look at it later, and there's these remarkable colors and cloud formations and the land and the one lone tree and ditch have all changed once again.
But today I had to clamber out and stumble closer to really see.
There was a light show in the sky, enormous; filling the sky overhead.
All I could say was "Oh my!" , take a few shots, have my phone die.
Then I had to stand there, just taking in the waving golden winter grass,
the glistening water in the ditch,
the chill wind singing through the grasses and the trees,
and some variation of Mare's Tails clouds
just coming to life all over the heavens.
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