I have relished watching this tree drop magnificent leaves in the fall, sing winter songs in winter storms, and glisten in the frozen ice-glazed mornings;
I've stood by watching as it sent out small buds and miniature bouquet-like blossoms come spring, and extend their tender brightest green leaves in summer.
We as a family have sat beneath it's shade on hot summer days for so many years now;
my husband and I holding hands for hours beneath it's sheltering branches as night falls, in every single season. I know.
I know we all begin, as this tree once did;
as a seed, and then a tiny sapling, up into a tree this large and this old.
Magnificent and tall and linked by mycelium to all the other trees in this land here.
I know we all begin as a small spark, unbelievably- and end as dust.
I embrace this. But still, for each of us, the endings?
A Hold such sadness and loss.
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