Thursday, November 6, 2014

11.5.14 The Moment Changes

 I was out on the Hadley Fields, relishing the new Protected Wildlife lands, slowly veering from Big Ugly house prospects to, whew, just under the wire, bought up by the local angels, who work and work and raise money and GIVE their own money to stay one step ahead of developers around here, and the unwelcome people farming strange little trees, requiring regular pesticide applications in a place with streams and rivers that has been clean til now , 

 and now the crap will have a 500 year half life, and impact the organs and immune systems of every animal and insect and plant and microbe, not that that occurs to these people, dragging a farm country area out of Eden like this, without a second thought, but still there are more and more signs up and more and more glorious lands protected forever ,

 if nothing else, and I sink into this happiness , as I pull over to take the shot of the dusk curling round the edges if the day, as the beautiful small herd of cows catches sight of me , walking first , and then running , gracefully, slowing as they near , and there's one old bull, and you can see he's revered ,as he is SO washed ,

 the tongue marks visible all over him so much so I wonder if he gets chilled come winter , but there he is, gentle, with a baby boy cuddling up next to him, hiding behind him, from me, as a huge female saunters over to the two of them, very washed herself , tongue marks all over her , 

which makes me wonder if it feels good, like frequent back rubs, or in fact us mildly irritating, possibly the endured responsibility of the alpha female , which I suspect she is, 
as she sidles up to the bull and the baby, and the bull offers up his head to be washed by her, and I see her pause and then saying " No , honey , you wash ME " 
and instead extends her own neck, so the bull gives in and washes her and cuddles til the baby pulls up  
and it's a group cow hug, the three of them, 

 til more and more cows of all ages and sizes make their way to me, 

and I begin massaging their heads and they seep into nirvana and I notice some with gooey eyed viruses and drain their lymph, as they begin to get it , 

 turn their heads this way and that, extending their necks for the lymph work, 

 then some lovely head massages; now they're crowding in, curious, most of them wanting some rubs, 

 til the geese pass by over head, honking , 

and a murmur if Starlings hanging in the next protected plot over , hundreds of them , take flight for some exercise and practice, working it,  

and the cows all look up as I do  

 and then, the moment changes, we all feel it,

and they turn almost as one ,  

 realizing there is no food delivery here-

yeah the company and rubs were nice,  

 and they turn and walk back to their rich pasture.

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