Monday, September 15, 2014

9.10.14 Fierce He Is; Yet Wise and Trusting, When Need Be. Standing Over His Brood, His Eye Upon His Pained Mate At All Times

So lovely and interesting.

And terribly polite once they get to know you, bobbing their heads Good Morning , and then Good Evening.

Eating tender grass shoots, ants and grubs;

small social interactions,

small contented mmmpphhhs sounds
now and then as they feed.

So I venture out at the start, and then end of the day, sitting amongst them, as they feed and mutter and interact. A few alphas, who lean low and hiss farther away another who wanders too close. One Alpha of the flock, who, as you can see, is tall and powerful and does stand guard, when all else are feeding, so that I have my moments with them, and then get up, give my leave, and go back inside. So he can feed also.

His mate has a painful hip- the right one. So she favors her left. She tires easily. She often sits to feed, or goes off away from others, and her four yearlings.

At times, they stay with the flock. And at times, they feed apart, He standing over his brood, his eye upon her at all times. Fierce, he is. Yet wise, and trusting when need be. As they young ones enjoy their young selves, feeding and filling and preparing for the long fall trip, should the family decide it is best.

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