Friday, July 24, 2015

7.24.15 I just imagine them saying things

There's a field of Sunflowers, on Bay Road, that has caught the eye, and cameras, of our fine citizens here. In the early morning, all blossoms are ardently leaning toward the rising sun. So much like faces, my mind runs a continual stream of silly comments, as I drive by the loads of cars pulled over, people gazing at the hundreds of blossoms, clicking away.

I just imagine them saying things like, "Don't look now, but...HEY! I told you not to look!" , or 'When is this show supposed to start?" or ' Who do we have for a speaker tonight?" or "When we start dancing, which way do you want to go?". In the meantime, the field of flowers is simply being their inimitable selves, in their perfectly good summer's day.

Sometimes I stop, get out and stand there, by the zillions of plants whose faces t
urn all day, wondering how it is that happens more so with these, than others. 

Camera in hand, I wander down near the field, next to the beautiful 7' plants, taking it all in, the proximity, their strength and beauty.

You begin wanting to take a shot of the whole deal, but like much in life, it simply doesn't cut it. Tough to capture the feel of the place, it all becomes lost in the vast expanse of field and sky. 

But today, as I stand next to quite a number of people, the skies are a stunning violet, a gorgeous juxtaposition to the blossoms and deep green of the plants. You can see the dark cool earth beneath them, with entire universes of communities within.

The person next to me, with a huge fancy camera, says "Too bad it's so dark". I turn to him, and say "It's harder to take a shot when it's real light, like mid-day. The early morning has more shadows and nice contrast. Today is perfect for me. The purple sky, the intermittent light. I like to capture the blossoms and the sky up close, to bring it in."

He glances at me, getting it. Smiles, says something polite. I shrug, go in closer for a nice time with the plants in the damp happy field, all growing beautifully in our summer, here.
I climb out, say goodbye to everyone, and head to the car, as the guy looks my way, and then scoots down into the field, to take the shot.

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