Tuesday, February 26, 2019

2.19.18 1. Rest in truth 2. Move on

So often, humans are fond of blaming the victim. After all, if you search around and come up with a good enough rationale, you just might be able to make believe some bad thing won’t happen to you. 

But stuff happens to us. All the time.
Deception and harm and manipulation and conning. 

And if you have a generous heart and enough integrity, there’s a good chance YOU are a good mark. All yummy and ready to be played. 

Consumed, until your health suffers, and your mind begins to believe the Con pretty well.

Perhaps the best protection is watching what someone does... more than what they say. 
Because Cons ( and your everyday garden variety Psychopath, and there’s a bunch of them on the unmitigated unnoticed Psychopathic Spectrum) are very inspired and excited about a long con, slowly taking down someone with a generous heart and enough integrity.

Cons are empty. 
They are low to no, of empathy, compassion, love and being relational.
In fact, they’re so low in these , they can’t usually notice that anything is wrong.
With them . Or what they do. 

And the more lousy sneaky behind-the-scenes things they’re delighting in doing, the better.
They love nothing more than lying or cheating or taking people down slowly, with long concerted gossip. 

Or slowly driving a wedge between someone and their self confidence. 

Better still is the double or multiple con, where they pit two or more people against each other, even if they never meet. The Con feeds upon the secret knowledge kept from others.

Lying while arranging to go for a walk with one person , in the place that means so much to the other. How hurt and horrified both would be , knowing of each other . 

Putting people in proximity to each other, and feeding off of how horrible it would be if they all found out. 

Cons love to manipulate small and large situations, slowly lining every unsuspecting person up. Beaming at them with their indistinguishable psychopathic charm. 
Eating up that gullibility. 
Luxuriating in their contempt for each mark.
 Feeding, always feeding their endless emptiness with conflict and manipulation and deception and harm .
Grooming their targets endlessly. Some hobby.

The only thing that is imperceptible to a Con is their own desperate emptiness, as they shuffle people-as-chess-pieces frantically about.

Trying to get off. Trying to get off bigger and better.
Trying in vain to harm others enough to fill their empty desperate self. 

So, if you get conned....Especially if you are the object of a Long Con....Beware of two things. 

1. There will be those who will unthinkingly blame you , for being harmed.
To avoid how upset they are at the Con. 

Most who have been conned run a great risk of feeling shame and humiliation, and never recovering.
Don’t let yourself do that for one second. Even if someone else sets you up.

2. They might have fooled you . For one decade or many. 

But at the end of the day, they are just empty malevolence. 

Whereas you have integrity, and a fine generous heart.
Rest in that truth, and move on.

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