Tuesday, August 5, 2014

8.5.14 As

As  forgotten northern islands
As new kitten toes
As falling stars
As  mating butterflies
As drifting snowflakes in the darkest night
As chorale refrains
As frenzied kid soccer games
As the secret talents of an old one that no one remembers
As broken ballerinas
As fog strewn beaches
As inevitable lingering dying
As the denouement of a passing gaze
As magnificent kisses
As denounceable liars
As cheesecake films
As broken  repetitive dreams
As piles of liability
As old, remembered heartbreaks
As cold dog noses nuzzling your neck
As colorful rock strewn shores 
As inimitable comforting embraces
As deep and lasting regrets
As the thundering passing of the train in the night
As mercurial parents
As true blue friendships
As dew-wetted sleeping bees
As patient mother bears
As birth marks
As litigating opponents
 As your face in  sleep
As birth slick new babes
As sleep strewn lovers 
As cogent gathering crones
As hot air balloons scattered across a sunset
As times you hand has been in mine 
As sudden brash love
 As incessant traffic
As growing beauty as wrinkles multiply
As bone aching early morning walks to the subway
As gales of laughter at family gatherings 
As whispering children under sheet tents
As crabby husbands sleepily shaving
As exhausted children flopping on the floor like so many fish
As your eyelashes, fallen, over a lifetime
As love that comes and stays in your heart
As a broken friendship grips
As a group of excited children twitter and wiggle
As the exhausted new parents of small hungry birds
As the first flight of a moth
As the last moment of your life
As it was in the beginning, is now, and everymore shall be

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